Hallelujah, it’s September!!

Louise Attenborough, Chocolate Collective

For so many small and micro businesses out there, the summer can be a weird mix of eerie quietness, hectic childcare arrangements and creative solutions to answering emails and calls while queuing for ice-cream. On top of this all routine goes out of the window.


Cocktail hour follows you home from holiday to become an every night occurrence, any semblance of an exercise regime or healthy eating goes out of the window, tweets have lost their momentum and networking is secondary to a night in with Bake Off. So when the words ‘back to school’ are uttered, there’s a real sense of ambition and drive, as all our energies are focussed on that date to reinstate structure and order. In a way, September sees us all with more resolve and determination than the New Year as it is universally accepted as a time when we’re all ‘back’.


We are creatures of habit, so while the more fluid approach to life is fun for a while, it soon throws us off kilter. It stems back from childhood. As a parent, I understand the importance of routine; predictability and structure provides boundaries and comfort. As humans, we continue to seek these parameters so that we can continue each day feeling secure and with relatively little thought of the routine – we just get on and do it. And it has many benefits. Repeated tasks become automated, our view of the week ahead is continually clear in the back of our minds and we accept projects, whether they be exercise and healthy eating or the latest assignment at work, as a part of our everyday, so productivity improves.


Despite all that, studies have shown just how important holidays and breaks from routine are for the brain. Allowing ourselves time to relax and think more freely can result in new ideas or solutions to problems that seemed impossible back in July. A bit of reflection can provide clarity, provoke questions and spark creativity (the odd G&T can help with this too!).


As a reunited team, we spent our first couple of days hurling ideas, plans and thoughts at each other, excited and relieved to be able to share and schedule time for implementing them. There is no doubt that we are re-energised and reinvigorated so bring it on! If you’re feeling the same resolve to get on top of things we’re ready to tackle your organisation woes, administrative stresses and marketing bewilderment!

Now it’s September we’d love to hear from you  Get in touch