Re-Engaging on Facebook - Our Top Tips

Louise Attenborough, Chocolate Collective

We’re big believers in bite-size. Manageable chunks of information or tasks that are easy to digest and easy to cross off your to-do list. If your social media platforms need some attention, instead of trying to look at all of them at once, why not tackle them one hashtag at a time?

Facebook still dominates the social media scene, despite other channels being hot on their heels. It also has a large demographic, appealing and engaging with most age groups, genders and types of consumers. It often acts as more of a shop window than your website and is a key messaging tool for common questions or queries. All of this makes it the ideal place to start our series of social media tips.

Simply having a Facebook account, even if you have thousands of followers, does not guarantee you a spot in the all-important timeline of your customers. For that you need engagement. Unless your followers are liking, sharing or commenting on your posts you WILL fall off their feed.

But you can still reconnect! Here are our top tips to help get you noticed on Facebook again:

·   Run a competition. Make it simple to enter via a comment and like of your post, remembering that Facebook are quite strict about how you run competitions so make sure you follow their guidelines and plan carefully.

·   Share some of your favourite business posts to your personal page, inviting friends and family to like and share. They’ll be just as interested in your business as they are in where you went for dinner last night, and consumers are much more likely to use your services if they have a personal connection with you.

·   Boost a post. For a relatively small investment, you can project your post to your ideal customer.

·   Show your face. People love to see the real face behind the business, it helps them connect to you in a more meaningful way, and these are often the posts will generate the most likes.

·   Make sure you’re tagging people or businesses in your posts – a mention from you may result in a like, or a comment and every so often a share.

·   Try Facebook Live. Facebook likes promoting video content and will alert your followers when you’re live.

·   Update your Facebook banner or profile image. Facebook generates an automatic update which often appeals to followers, prompting them to like, comment or visit your page.

·   Ask for reviews. Each and every review proves to Facebook that you are a valid and valuable business to promote to their users and positive Facebook reviews are proven to sway customers to a particular choice.

·   Complete your profile. Facebook also likes a full and interesting profile so a complete one will help you get seen.

·   Revisit past conversations. If you had a particularly engaging post, go back and comment; everyone involved in the conversation will get a notification and remind them of your business.

You don’t have to tackle all of these tips at once, simply trying one or two a week will greatly improve engagement with your customers. However, if the thought of finding the time away from your business seems impossible then please get in touch. Queen Bee are ready and waiting to zoom in and help you get your buzz back.