Building a Support Network to Help You Dream Big

Louise Attenborough, Chocolate Collective

There’s a reason why the old adages – “2 heads are better than 1”, “the more the merrier” – get used so much. They’re true!

If you’re a solopreneur or a business owner, it can be especially lonely at the top. We’re lucky that there are two of us in the business to start with - as co-founders of Queen Bee we share the highs and the lows, the worries and the strains, as well as our successes.

However, we’ve also found that 4 heads are better than 2, 6 than 3, 8 than 4. Asking the right people for their opinions, help or support, has enabled us to turn some of our biggest dreams into reality.

In fact, when we decided we were going to Dream Big for Queen Bee in 2021, one of the first things we did was organise a ‘Bumble Brew’ with our associates to brainstorm ideas and get the whole virtual team involved in making it happen.

We also use other forums to get the support we need. We have a close-knit industry network that meets both in person (when we can!) and online. We use this network regularly to reach out to individuals we’re connected with when we need a fresh perspective on a big idea. This continually helps us shape our business and move forward.

In this blog, we want to share some of the ways we’ve built a support network around us that really works. We truly hope it will help anyone out there who has exhausted the ears of their nearest and dearest but needs a sounding board for their Dream Big idea!

Benefits of a Good Support Network

For a small business owner, time is tight – and finding the time to build a support network has to be worth your while. This is how our support network has helped us over the years:

·   Dreaming up our next big idea

·   Giving us a different perspective as well as a good dose of realism

·   Giving us the motivation and confidence to drive forward and not give up

·   Making us accountable for what we say we’re going to do!

And now these are the things we pride ourselves on providing to our clients! We know, from first-hand experience, just how much this can help you grow.

Who’s on The Team?

It COULD be…

·   People you already work with - like existing employees, stakeholders or freelancers who support you. Just because they have a specific role in our business doesn’t mean they won’t be good collaborator or have a valid view on your dilemma – they already know your business which is a good starting point!

·   Customers – polls, market research, even a direct ask on social media or via your newsletter. They are the best people to tell you if there’s a demand for your ideas.

·   Another business owner who understands the pressures of running a business and who can provide you with an honest and realistic opinion as well as holding you to account.

It is NOT…

·   Your partner, your bestie, or your mum! While these are great sources to share your life with, including your work life – it really is best not to mix business with pleasure!


Collaboration over Competition

Another thing we’ve learnt along the way is that a support network goes both ways. It’s about building meaningful relationships. For your network to support you, you need to be curious about them - when you help and contribute to their business in return, the relationship flourishes.

This spirit of collaboration also stops us getting into the negativity that can creep in when comparing ourselves to others. We don’t recommend measuring your businesses success against others or tearing down competitors to build yourself up. It is way more positive to connect and collaborate, to support and strive for better relationships, in order to build your business.


Be Vulnerable

As a final caveat, and perhaps the thing we’ve found the hardest when building our support network, is that there is no reward without risk. Putting yourself out there and exposing your work for criticism is hard, but you can’t enjoy positive feedback and ultimate success without risking the bad stuff too. Collaborating with people you trust makes that risk easier because you know someone will be there to celebrate or catch you when you fall.


So, whether you call it a buddy system, a collaborator, a sounding board, a network or simply a friend. The more (of the right people) you can surround yourself with the more supported you’ll feel - and the greater chance you’ll make that Dream Big idea a reality.

Stay tuned for the next, and final, instalment of our series of Dream Big blogs…we’re sharing some of the ways we get inspired. Keep dreaming everyone!