4 ideas for Mother’s Day emails – use 1, 2 or all 4!

Ever find yourself sighing at the mere thought of tackling an email?

You're not alone! Email marketing may seem like just another writing task, but here's the silver lining: the shorter, the better!

To help you break the writers block or perhaps encourage you to take the plunge into email, we have 4 types of emails you could consider for your Mother’s Day marketing.

1.      The Round Up

This kind of email is essentially a newsletter style email; updating subscribers on everything that’s happening with your business, but with a view to them clicking to read more or take action on your website. An example could be:

-        Product of the week – check out our limited-edition Mother’s Day bouquet <link to bouquet>

-        Link to a new blog – floral gift ideas to suit every mum <link to blog>

-        Latest news – our Mother’s Day range is now live <link to Mother’s Day range online>

-        Recent review  - <link to testimonials page>

Alternatively, you could also use the Round Up email style to cherry pick your top 5 Mother’s Day products, including a short paragraph as to why it’s perfect and a link straight through to purchase.

-        #1 Perfect for modern mums – <link to product>

-        #2 Best for traditional mums – <link to product>

-        #3 Ideal for bubbly mums – <link to product>

-        #4 Top for green-fingered mums – <link to product>

-        #5 Recommended for ALL mums – <link to product>

Key is to keep words to a minimum but write enough to entice them to click.

2.      THE Announcement

Your email subscribers have signed up to your email because they want to hear from you. And part of that is to be one of the first to hear when new products have landed or to get sneak peeks before new ranges go live on your website. So consider using an announcement style email to promote when your Mother’s Day range is live or give them an opportunity to pre-order and secure the early delivery slots.

It's important these emails feel single-minded. Don’t clutter them with extra information – a single graphic and a clear call to action (SHOP NOW) should do it. It’s essentially just a digital flyer inviting them to start shopping ahead of the rest.

Customers like these because it makes them feel important and valued as well as excited to be first. Consider the timing of these emails carefully as phrases such as ’24 hours only’ or ‘ends midnight tonight’ can add to the anticipation.

3.      THE Special offer

Special offer emails are a great way to encourage buyers off the fence or entice one-time customers to make another purchase.

Whether you’re offering a discount, a free gift or discounted delivery, many find a good deal hard to resist and can provide customers with a reason to shop with you over other retailers.

With these kind of emails, make sure the detail of your offer and how to claim it are clear, along with any important terms and conditions. But again, they needn’t be long and actually tend to be more impactful the less that’s said. The timing of these emails can be used to add to the urgency – ‘valid for 48 hours only’ or ‘limited time only’ being examples.

4.     THE Value - added

We’ve often talked about resisting the urge to sell, sell, sell all the time and emails are no different. Your open rates will tumble and unsubscribes will quickly climb if all you’re doing on email is talking about how amazing your flowers and service is.

A more subtle way of engaging your customers is to give them valuable tips and advice that will warm them to you, showcase your expertise and encourage them to open the next email. Even better if these tips and advice are contained within your website, as they just might stumble across your Mother’s Day range while they’re on there. Blogs are ideal for this.

Examples might be:

Floral gift ideas for every kind of mum

How to match flowers to mum’s personality

Ways you can make mum feel special this Mother’s Day

The role of the email then is to share a synopsis of your useful advice, enticing them to click to read more over on the blog. Weave in examples and links of your work into the blog and hey presto! You’re still selling but in a less overt and invasive way.


We’re hopeful this will stimulate some ideas for how you can promote Mother’s Day to your database. Depending on your (new found?) confidence you may want to try not just one, but two, three or all four! Each subscriber has different needs and emotions so it’s important to experiment and see what works.

Don’t be tempted to send them too close together though. Spread them out – perhaps one per week - to avoid coming across as spammy. Which probably means you need to get started NOW – good luck!

Helen Burton