The Wellbeing Benefits of Being True to Yourself in Marketing

With everything else you have to do as a small business owner, promoting ourselves and our business can feel like a huge burden, especially if it doesn’t come naturally. Add to that the speed with which things move in the whirlwind world of marketing, the feeling of overwhelm can be very real.

However, there’s a growing understanding that slowing down and embracing authenticity is one way to limit this and can have profound positive effects on our overall wellbeing.

Even better, this doesn’t mean your marketing has to be compromised. Your customers, clients, followers and supporters all want to see the real you too!

In this blog, we'll explore seven key areas where staying true to yourself can benefit your wellbeing and help you thrive as an entrepreneur.

Slowing Things Down When You Need To

In the race to achieve business success, we often forget to pause and take a breath. Slowing down when necessary allows us to regain focus, reduce stress, and make more informed decisions. By recognising when you need to take breaks, reflect on your goals, or re-prioritise your time, the overall quality of your marketing will improve.

Listening to Your Body

Our bodies have a unique way of communicating with us, and it's essential to listen to their signals. When creativity strikes, embrace it wholeheartedly. Dive into that innovative campaign idea or explore new avenues of expression. Likewise, when your body signals a need for rest, honour it. Shift your focus to more administrative tasks that allow you to slow down while keeping your business running smoothly.

Not Spreading Yourself Too Thinly

In the ever-expanding world of marketing channels, it's tempting to be present on every platform. However, spreading yourself too thinly can quickly lead to burnout. Instead, focus on a select few channels that align with your target audience and business goals. By being true to yourself and your capabilities, you can invest your time and energy where it truly matters, creating meaningful connections and delivering your message with impact.

Establishing Boundaries with Customers

Establishing clear boundaries with your customers is a powerful act of self-care. By communicating your availability, response times, and the types of services you provide, you cultivate healthier relationships built on mutual respect. Authenticity empowers you to set realistic expectations and prevents the exhaustion that can come from constantly overextending yourself. Remember, you deserve balance and fulfilment in both your personal and professional life.

Being Intentional About Your Tasks

Intentionality is the key to maintaining focus and productivity. Creating dedicated time blocks for specific tasks allows you to limit distractions and maximise your efficiency. Even better, make this intentional allocation of time fun, relaxing and mindful! Pour yourself a cup of freshly brewed coffee before scheduling social, take yourself out for a walk to brainstrorm ideas, sit in your favourite café to write that email. The hope is that marketing will become something you…dare we say it…look forward to!

Dumping Imposter Syndrome and Embracing Your Journey

Imposter syndrome, that horrible feeling of inadequacy despite evidence of utter competence, can be detrimental to our mental health and hinder our progress. Authenticity encourages us to let go of comparisons and embrace our unique journey. Each small business owner has their own path to success, and by celebrating our achievements and acknowledging our growth, we cultivate a positive mindset that fuels further progress.

Knowing and Respecting Your Limitations

As ambitious entrepreneurs, we often push ourselves to the limit. However, it's crucial to recognise our limitations and respect them. Authenticity empowers us to be honest with ourselves and seek support when needed. Whether it's delegating tasks, investing in professional development, or seeking guidance from mentors, acknowledging our limitations fosters personal growth, prevents burnout, and ensures our wellbeing remains a top priority.

In conclusion, embracing your truth in your marketing efforts as a small business owner can have a transformative impact on your overall wellbeing. By slowing down, listening to your body, setting boundaries, and being intentional you not only achieve business success but also cultivate a happier, healthier, and more authentic life.

Helen Burton