12 Engaging Content Ideas for Social Media

Louise Attenborough, Chocolate Collective

Picture the scene…you’re trying to write social media posts that will engage, entice and inform your customers but you can’t think of a thing to say! Sound familiar? We’ve all been there!

As experts in creating social media content that works, here are our tips for sparking an idea you can run with. With these tools in your arsenal you’ll be writing engaging content that will drive customers to your website, convert a browse into a buy, and position you as an expert in your field.

1. Introduce the story of your brand – you are aiming to elicit an emotional response from this post, so feel free to make it personal! Share how you came up with the kernel of an idea, what made you take the plunge to start your business, the values that underpin your business, and what you aspire to achieve.

2. Promote new and existing products or services – instead of talking about everything your business does, pick one service or product and shine a spotlight on it.

3. Introduce one of your clients – it’s easy to say great things about yourself, but it means so much more to consumers when you get someone else to say it about you. It also gives you an opportunity to show off your business in action.

4. Host a challenge – you need to take part in whatever challenge you create too! This is a great way to drive social media engagement and forge meaningful connections.

5. Share an inspiring quote – not every post needs to be a ‘hard’ sell, a post like this will also give an insight into the values that matter to your business.

6. Ask for advice – got a problem, looking for a recommendation, want to bounce a few ideas around? So long as you’re not giving away trade secrets, show your followers you value their judgement and ask them what they think.

7. Piggyback on a National Day – be clever and use timely hashtags, let the momentum of topics that are trending do the hard work for you…it’s a sure-fire way to increase the number of people who will see your post.

8. Share a ‘behind the scenes’ moment – humanise your brand by sharing a picture of you preparing for a meeting, or visiting a site, or unpacking new products. People tend to connect with other people rather than faceless businesses, so let them see yours!

9. Share a tip – you’re the expert at what you do. Without giving the game away, share a useful tip that will make the life of someone who isn’t an expert in their field, a little easier.

10. Invite followers to ask you a question – make sure you set some time aside to answer the questions you receive, it will show your customers that there is a real person behind your profile.

11. Create a ‘call to action’ – what do you want your customers to do…buy a product, go to your website, read a blog…well don’t forget to ask them!

12. Run a competition – something for free? Yes please! Competitions are hard to resist, and if the prize is enticing enough, it may result in a few extra followers, along with the good-will of your existing followers.

So, pick one, any one! And turn that to-do into a ta-dah!

However, if social media keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the pile, and you feel like your business is missing a trick, just give us a call. We love the buzz of a creative writing project and work collaboratively with clients to create smart, authentic and engaging content that creates a real connection with your audience. Go on, get your buzz back!