10 Secrets to a Successful Day

Louise Attenborough, Chocolate Collective

Who’s got time for an unsuccessful day? No one! But when you’re juggling running a business, alongside a family, as well as all the administrative tasks that go along with life, a wasted day can cost you so much.

As expert jugglers ourselves, here are our 10 secrets to a successful day. It’s amazing how these tiny changes can turn your day around!

1.  Get an Early Start

Set your alarm just 10-20 minutes earlier and you’ll be amazed at what you can squeeze in when you’re fresh and alert, whether that’s getting ahead on your emails, or loading the dishwasher before you leave for the office (or in our case, head upstairs 😉)! Plus, you feel like you’re winning all day!

2. Picture the Desired Result

Whether you want to do this through meditation, yoga, a dog walk or your morning cup of tea; understanding what you want to achieve for the day, right from the off, will focus your thoughts.

3. List Your To-Do’s

Take a look at our ‘How to Write a To-Do List That Actually Works’ blog, for a quick, simple and easy to-do list that delivers results 😊. We can’t recommend these enough for organising your day (week/month/year!)

4. Prioritise Healthy Habits

Eating healthy food that won’t result in sugar slumps is a no-brainer. Who wants to spend the afternoon in an unproductive fog? Breaking for lunch is another great way to keep momentum through the day. Although it may feel counter-intuitive, stepping away from your screen for just 15 minutes will give tired eyes a chance to re-charge.

5. Select Your Top 3

Go back to your to-do list and decide what you MUST achieve today, it will help you keep focused and prevent you getting sucked into unproductive rabbit holes. Once you’ve achieved your top 3, check your list again and pick out another 3 tasks you want to achieve. Bite size chunks are not only achievable, they also make you more productive.

6. Get to Work

We are all guilty of this…if a task is difficult or long, we make a cup of tea, return that phone call, pay that bill, whatever we can do to avoid actually starting something that daunts us. However, starting is the hardest part, so just do it! No procrastinating, no distraction…you’ll be amazed at the knock-on effect 😉

7. Plan for Tomorrow

Taking a little time, at the end of the day, to review your diary for tomorrow, find that reading you need to do for a meeting, plan a few meals for the week or even deciding on what you’re wearing, is a sure fire way to make tomorrow as successful as today.

8. Practice Gratitude

If you’re feeling despondent at the end of the day, take a few moments to really recognise the things you have achieved and be grateful. It is all too easy to slip into negativity, which does nothing for our productivity! If you can’t find something at work to be grateful for, try thinking about your home life, and vice versa. Life is a balancing act, and we need to be grateful and proud of our achievements both large and small.

9. Unplug

If you carve out time for those you love or the things you love, it will give you a chance to reflect, refresh and recharge, ensuring that you stay productive for the long haul, rather than burning out by stretching yourself too thin.

10. Commit to Quality Sleep

Give your brain a chance to heal itself and rest with at least seven hours good quality sleep. Switch off your phone at least an hour before you go to sleep, or, if you struggle with this (and many of us do, including me!), then switch your phone to night mode to avoid it affecting your sleep patterns.

You could try one, two or even all of these tips, and if you do, we would love to hear if they helped you get your buzz back. Let us know on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Good luck!